There are a variety of things that can cause a salty taste in the mouth, and many of the causes are preventable or treatable. The most common culprits include:
1. Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)
Dry mouth (xerostomia) is a condition that’s characterized by saliva glands that fail to make enough saliva to keep your mouth wet. This can make it difficult to talk or swallow and leaves your mouth feeling sticky, burning, or itchy. Bakovic says dry mouth can also alter the taste in your mouth and make things taste salty or metallic.
Occasional dry mouth is normal, say if you’re nervous or stressed. But if it occurs frequently, it’s worth looking into the underlying cause. Possible causes include tooth decay, certain medications (covered below), nerve damage to the head or neck, radiation, chemotherapy or immunotherapy, or conditions such as diabetes. Menopause is also a common cause of dry mouth.
2. Dehydration
Dehydration happens when the body loses more fluid than it takes in and is unable to function as normal. Dehydration can cause the saliva to become saltier because there’s less fluid available in your mouth, says Bakovic. Your saliva typically contains some salt, but when you’re not properly hydrated, the salt becomes more prominent, since there isn’t enough water to balance it out.
There are many reasons you can become dehydrated, such as illness accompanied by a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting; excessive sweating, such as from intense exercise or hot weather; or frequent urination, which could be the result of certain medications or health conditions, such as diabetes. If you keep up patterns of forgetting or skipping drinking water, you’re at significant risk of reaching medically dangerous levels of dehydration, says Bakovic.
3. Periodontal Disease or Untreated Cavities
Dental issues can also alter the taste in your mouth, says Erinne Kennedy, DMD, MPH, assistant dean of curriculum and integrated learning and a spokesperson for the American Dental Association.
It could be a tooth abscess, which is a pocket of pus in the mouth that’s caused by a bacterial infection. The most common type of abscess is called a periapical abscess, which is typically is caused by not treating a cavity. You might experience fluid in your mouth that smells bad and tastes salty and bad too as a result.
“Sometimes, the fluid that forms as a result of the body fighting the infection can taste salty to a patient,” Dr. Kennedy says.
Or the salty taste could be a side effect of periodontal disease, Kennedy says. The two main groups of periodontal disease are gingivitis, which is caused by inflammatory issues along the gums, or periodontitis, which is more serious and involves damaged tissue.
4. Nutrient Deficiencies
The salty taste in your mouth could also be the result of lacking key nutrients in your diet, most likely vitamin B12, folate, or vitamin C, Bakovic says.
You may also develop nutrient deficiencies because of that salty taste in your mouth. After all, you may not get enough nutrients from food sources or drink adequate fluids if everything tastes like salt, Bakovic says.
To find out if you have a vitamin deficiency, you’ll take a blood test at your doctor’s office. Bakovic says that your doctor can tell you the next steps, such as what dose of the vitamin to take based on your deficiency level.
While supplementation can help in the short term, the long-term goal should generally be to get the nutrients you’re missing by eating a balanced diet.
5. Medications
Some medications can cause a dry mouth or dehydration, which, as noted above, may lead to taste alterations such as a salty taste, says Kennedy. It’s similar to when sweat dries on your skin, she says.
Examples of medications that can have this effect include:
- Antidepressants, particularly tricyclic antidepressants, which have anticholinergic properties and interfere with the neural pathways and reduce saliva production
- Antihistamines, which also decrease saliva secretion
- Chemotherapy, as the salivary glands may be damaged and create less saliva
- Diuretics, which promote frequent urination and can lead to dehydration if you’re not replacing the lost fluids
6. Upper Respiratory Infections
Upper respiratory infections, which affect the nose, sinuses, and throat, can cause a postnasal drip, or mucus from the nose that drips down the throat. Postnasal drip can alter your sense of taste and leave your mouth feeling salty.
But it’s worth noting that if an upper respiratory infection is causing a salty taste in the mouth, it’ll commonly be accompanied by other symptoms, such as a cough, urge to clear your throat, or frequent swallowing.
7. Sjögren’s Syndrome
Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system targets the glands that keep parts of the body moist, including the eyes and mouth. The result? Dry eyes and a dry mouth, which can make talking and eating difficult and can alter the taste in your mouth. You may also experience other symptoms, such as joint pain, dry skin or rashes, fatigue, and tingling in your fingers and toes.