Beer flows freely and cheaply in Antwerp, the city’s drink of choice—best accompanied by a mountain of french fries and mayonnaise. There’s surely no better place to indulge in this bon vivant combo than at Frites Atelier, an always-packed eatery conceived by Michelin-starred chef Sergio Herman, where crispy fries are loaded with unconventional toppings and house-made sauces (think fresh mussels with curry mayo, which reimagines Antwerp’s beloved mussels-and-fries dish).
Where to Shop
Antwerp is a small and densely packed city, and much of its charm can be discovered on foot, meandering through its cobblestoned streets while admiring the narrow row houses with ornate facades. An array of well-appointed boutiques are also dotted around the city center. A longtime personal favorite is Graanmarkt 13, a curated concept store with an adjoining restaurant. Find a curation of emerging labels in fashion and home here, like Auralee, Bernadette, Charlotte Chesnais, and Tekla. Make your way over to the Lombardenvest for established high-end fashion at Louis, or pop into Enso, a thoughtfully curated space for upcycled vintage and second-hand designer.
Housed inside Het Modepaleis, a landmark building from 1881, is Dries Van Noten’s flagship store. A block away you’ll find La Collection, where Florence Cools’s timeless minimalist staples come to life in her art-filled boutique. Continue on to Volkstraat for The Menu to shop of-the-moment names like &Daughter, Gimaguas, Birrot, and Lie Studio. The legendary Ann Demeulemeester’s store can be found in Het Zuid, across from the recently reopened Royal Museum of Arts, where both clothing and bits from her homeware collection with Serax are stocked. Meanwhile, beauty lovers can find something to take home from Necessities, a niche perfumery with candles and fragrances by Buly 1803, Dr. Vranjes, and Trudon lining its shelves.
What to Do
Photo: Eline Willaert
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