In addition to changing what you eat, your doctor may ask you to change the way you eat to get acid reflux under control.
Eat smaller meals. Eat less food, but more frequently, to reduce pressure in your stomach.
Higher stomach pressure may cause your lower esophageal sphincter to relax, allowing your stomach’s contents to flow up into your esophagus.
Eat slowly. You’re less likely to stuff yourself or irritate your esophagus or stomach if you take smaller bites and chew your food thoroughly.
Don’t lie down right after eating. If you stay upright for two to three hours after eating, you’ll reduce your risk of reflux. Wait at least three hours after eating dinner before you go to bed. When you stand or sit upright, gravity helps keep your stomach’s contents from flowing upward. When you lie down, it’s easier for partially digested food to enter your esophagus.
Don’t do vigorous exercise right after eating. Wait a couple of hours.
Don’t snack unless you’re actually hungry. When your stomach is full, eating more will increase stomach pressure.
Avoid tight clothing around your waist. If your clothing puts pressure on your abdomen when you eat, this can in turn put pressure on your stomach and lower esophageal sphincter.
Eat to maintain a healthy weight. Extra pounds are a source of pressure inside your abdomen.
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