You’ve probably noticed that wellness influencers have been scooping powdered cacao by the spoonful into their drinks and smoothies. You’ve also probably heard them say that cacao has a ton of health benefits, including improving blood circulation, balancing the metabolism, supporting the skin, and boosting brain power. But what exactly is cacao and are the health claims about it true? And, what are the differences between cacao, cocoa, and chocolate? Here, a deep dive into everything you need to know about cacao and what it can—and can’t—do for you.
What is cacao and where does it come from?
Originating from the equatorial belt of Central and South America, cacao comes from a small evergreen tree of the Malvaceae family; its scientific name is Theobroma cacao.
Cacao was used by the pre-Columbian populations of the Maya and Aztecs, who venerated it as a sacred food. In Aztec culture, cacao was considered more important than gold; Legend has it that the ruler Montezuma II drank pitchers of a beverage made from fermented cacao every day to improve his energy and erotic sensibilities.
Cacao was imported to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. This was when what we now know of as “cocoa” first came into play: Cocoa is obtained by grinding dried, hulled, and toasted cacao seeds, and then removing the fat, or cocoa butter. This powder is used for ice cream, cookies, cakes, and more.
Cacao powder, on the other hand, tastes bitter because it is made from the raw cacao bean. It is less processed than cocoa and therefore retains many of the plant’s original nutrients. When buying cacao, look for powder that is organic and raw, i.e. processed at low temperatures so that the nutritional properties remain intact.
What are the health benefits of cacao?
The health benefits of cacao are many. Cacao is rich in B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and zinc. It also contains powerful antioxidants that protect the body’s cells from oxidative stress. Cacao is a great source of polyphenols, especially flavanols, a subgroup of flavonoids. Here are some of the benefits of cacao:
- Thanks to flavonoids, pure cocoa powder can lower blood pressure
- Cocoa flavanols improve blood flow in the skin, increasing hydration and protecting it from UV rays
- Cacao thins the blood, improves circulation, and can reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks
- Cacao may lower cholesterol levels bad LDL
- Thanks to its polyphenol content, it improves blood flow to the brain and cognitive functions
- It could reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers
- Cacao can improve mood and symptoms of depression because it contains chemical compounds such as phenylethylamine, which is associated with the production of endorphins in the brain, and tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin
- Thanks to theobromine and theophylline, anti-asthmatic compounds, cacao can soothe asthma
Can cacao help maintain a healthy weight?
Consuming high quality, unsweetened cocoa powder, or even 70% dark chocolate in small doses offers a sense of satiety that could be useful for those hoping to maintain or lose weight. A study published in National Library Medicine links the consumption of dark chocolate to a low body mass index.
Contraindications and negative effects of cacao
Cacao contains stimulant substances such as caffeine and theobromine, and therefore should be avoided in the evening before sleeping, and by those suffering from tachycardia
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