Whether your child was recently diagnosed with a food allergy or has been living with one for years, you know how stressful it can be to manage.
As food allergies abound, so do misconceptions about them. Some myths can be dangerous, such as thinking Benadryl is just as good as an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen) when it comes to stopping an allergic reaction. (Spoiler: It’s not.)
To keep your child safe, it’s important to know all the facts around food allergies. Here are the truths behind some of the most common myths.
Myth 1: Food Allergies Aren’t That Serious
Food allergies can be deadly.
They’re more than just a mild irritation to certain foods. “Food allergies can lead to a severe, potentially life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis, where your body goes into shock,” says Amanda Lee Pratt, MD, a pediatric allergy and immunology specialist at Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.
Myth 2: All They Need Is Benadryl, Not an EpiPen
Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), do not stop anaphylaxis.
“Antihistamines can be used as a supplement for more mild symptoms,” he says, “like a runny nose or itchy mouth.”
Myth 3: Eating a Little Bit of the Food Won’t Be Harmful and May Lessen the Allergy
Even a tiny amount of a food allergen can cause anaphylaxis.
You should help your child avoid all contact with the food. “Their body can still detect the allergen and have a reaction even in small amounts,” says Dr. Codispoti.
Myth 4: Food Intolerances and Food Allergies Are the Same
Food allergies and intolerances are very different. Food intolerances can be uncomfortable, but they are usually not life threatening.
Myth 5: Food Allergy Tests Are Always Accurate
Skin-prick and blood tests for food allergies can give false-positive results.
When it comes to diagnosing food allergies, the gold standard of testing is an oral food challenge, says Pratt. “We do it to see what happens when [your child puts] the food in question in [their] mouth,” she explains.
Myth 6: Food Allergies Always Begin in Childhood
Food allergies can develop at any age, anytime.
Myth 7: Your Child Will Always Have Their Allergy
It’s possible that your child will outgrow their food allergy.
Children are more likely to grow out of certain allergies. “Around 80 percent of children who are allergic to eggs and milk will outgrow it,” says Pratt. “Peanuts and tree nuts are the opposite: Only 20 percent of children outgrow those.” The younger your child was diagnosed, the more likely they are to grow out of their food allergy, she notes.
Myth 8: If an Ingredient Isn’t Listed on a Restaurant Menu, It’s Safe to Eat
Not all ingredients are disclosed in the menu description, so you have to be extra careful when eating out.
Be sure to ask the server or manager not only for a list of every ingredient in the dish, but also exactly how it’s prepared. “You need to be cautious of cross contact during preparation in the kitchen,” says Codispoti.
The Takeaway
- Food allergies in children are on the rise.
- Food allergies can be life threatening. It’s important to always have your child’s epinephrine medication on hand in case of a reaction.
- Your child may eventually outgrow their food allergy, especially if it’s an allergy to milk or eggs.
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