Understanding Organ Transplantation: Procedure and Recovery Guide

By Staff
2 Min Read

With the help of family, friends, and possibly a social worker at your hospital or through an organ transplant organization, you’ll want to gather information about transplant centers that fit your needs. Things to consider include the facility’s location, whether it’s covered by your insurance, and whether it offers support groups.

The Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network (OPTN) has a searchable list of transplant centers.

While you’re waiting for your transplant, it’s essential to stay as healthy as possible, both mentally and physically. Stay active if you’re able, eat a nutritious diet, and lose weight if it’s recommended. Stop smoking if you smoke, and keep taking any medications your doctor has prescribed.

Since waiting for a transplant can be a stressful and emotional time for both the patient and their family, it’s not uncommon to experience anxiety or depression. You may want to seek out an in-person or online support group specifically for transplant patients to help you work through your feelings and concerns.

Once an organ becomes available, you will need to get to the hospital and transplant center as soon as possible. Make sure your transplant team has your phone number (and a backup number) and keep your phone near you at all times.

It’s also a good idea to pack a bag for the hospital in advance, because you won’t get much notice when the donor organ is ready for you. You may want to include items such as:
  • Toothbrush
  • Comb or hairbrush
  • Bathrobe and slippers
  • Toiletries
  • Mobile phone, computer, or tablet
  • Paper, pen, and reading materials
  • Small amount of cash

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