What Is Postpartum Depression? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

By Staff
4 Min Read

Postpartum depression may result from a combination of different factors. Researchers believe that, in general, genetics, hormonal changes, and emotional issues are key contributors.

Hormonal fluctuations that occur after giving birth can play a big role in a new mother’s mood changes. During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels increase to fortify both the uterus and the placenta. But delivery alters the levels of those and other hormones.

“After giving birth, hormone concentrations drop by a hundredfold within a matter of days,” says Katherine Wisner, MD, the director of the Asher Center for the Study and Treatment of Depressive Disorders at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago. The sudden plunge may create disturbances in mood, particularly in women who have a prior history of depression or anxiety.

Periods of hormonal fluctuation, such as menstrual cycles or perimenopause, are associated with major depressive episodes, adds Dr. Wisner. The fluctuations that occur during and after pregnancy may affect certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain) or brain function in other ways.

“This massive drop in hormones, along with the initiation of breastfeeding, disrupted sleep, and adapting to motherhood, all contribute to the risk of developing depression,” Wisner says.

Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression can affect any woman regardless of age, race, ethnicity, or economic status, though some people may be more susceptible than others. The following may increase your odds of developing postpartum depression:
  • History of depression or bipolar disorder
  • Symptoms of depression during or after a previous pregnancy
  • Having family member who’s been diagnosed with depression, postpartum depression, or another mood disorder like premenstrual dysphoric disorder
  • Having a stressful life event within the past year, such as job loss, death of a loved one, domestic violence, or personal illness
  • Medical complications during childbirth, such as premature delivery or having a baby with medical problems
  • Having twins, triplets, or other multiple births
  • Having conflict or relationship issues with your spouse or partner
  • Having an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy
  • Having mixed feelings about the pregnancy
  • A lack of strong emotional support from others
  • Having financial difficulties
  • Being younger than 20
  • Being a single parent
  • Having a baby with medical needs
  • Having a baby who cries very often

Men and Postpartum Depression

Men can also develop mood disorders because of a new baby: If one parent develops depression, the other parent is more likely to develop depressive symptoms, according to a research review.
Postpartum depression is less understood in men, but one study suggests that feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness appear to be contributing factors. These feelings can sometimes turn into frustration and anger.
Other research has found that unemployment, financial strain, history of mental illness, and low social support are associated with an increased risk in men.

Sleep Deprivation and Postpartum Depression

Those middle-of-the night feedings may be to blame for some of the symptoms. But although sleep can be difficult to come by with a newborn, it is paramount for maintaining good mental health during the first year of a baby’s life. Research suggests that lack of sleep is both a predictor and a consequence of postpartum depression in mothers and fathers.

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